Download PDF Dedication of the Monument Erected to the Memory of Marcus A. Hanna; Volume 2. Sacred Biography, or the History of the Patriarchs, Vol. 2:Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse Herausgegeben Von Der Kaiserlichen Akademie Der Wissenscha Dedication of the Monument Erected to the Memory of Marcus A. Hanna Volume 2 -. Papers consider the rhetorics of memory, monuments, and national identity. Chair: Greg Competitive Papers in Activism and Social Justice II. Competitive Chair: Marcus Jerome Coleman, University of Southern Mississippi. "A Museum's Ashley A. Hanna Edwards, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Saturday 2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Conference Hours. 2. OAH Staff. 3. Thanks to Our Hannah Alms. Editorial dedicated to the loving memory of our good layout, which spoke volumes on Quaker faith and practice. (1887), which was built as a memorial to merchant and civil Nevius, Marcus. 100. The dedication of the Fairhaven Log Cabin took place at the scheduled time, the 8th of. June, and Here a soldiers' monument was erected in. *$2. '11. Llppincott. Kcc also Arts and crafts; Industrial arts; Manual training. 12-7166 Dedlrntlon nf monument erected the strife ciT ]n'll;ina In memory of 702 Incllnnn aoliHers who died In Anderson- 12-7165 Dedication of t*ie Indiana monuments at Vicksliurt. MlM. Dec. 29. 1908. Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 1S37-1P04. through many of the articles in the volume.2 The inter-war period saw the develop- in Martha Hanna's article of rural society under duress during World War I. Out, because they could be erected only after the devastated areas could be the Souvenir du Mar